“The CPCC is very welcoming. I love seeing everyone – from staff to students to volunteers – interact with the families, caregivers and children who attend the Centre. You need very special people to make this work. I can tell you the CPCC know – and love – what they are doing.
“The commitment of the CPCC to the family, not just the child’s development, shows a deeper sense of community. Programs offered encourage positive transitions to the school system, social independence and community integration, which assist parents to ensure that their child receives the best possible foundation for success.”
“(The Centre has) helped us navigate life experiences we never expected and couldn’t be prepared for.”
“If the CPCC was not here, we would have limited space to meet people, we would feel disconnected and we would have to pay for a drop-in service. We feel a sense of community. We like that everyone knows us and are recognized. Everyone knows us and our child by name. We feel comfort and secure here. We receive help and are part of a non-judgemental, supportive community.
“For us, group (Let’s Get Together) is a priority for the family. We make every effort to get there every week. There is a very special irony in the knowledge that it takes a group of parents who have children with special needs to make it feel like the rest of the world is normal for you.”
“The Centre places great emphasis on being part of the community. This is a lifelong skill which will help us all flourish.”
“I don’t know where I would be without the kind of support and non-judgemental acceptance I have found here.”
“It’s nice to know your children are safe and having fun while you are sharing your thoughts and feelings with qualified staff and a group of people who know how you feel and why.”
“For us, group (LGT) is a priority for the family; we make every effort to get there every week. There is a very special irony in the knowledge that it takes a group of special needs parents to make it feel that the rest of the world is normal for you.”
“Over the past 8 years, my 3 girls have had the privilege of attending the Centre for educational programs or drop in play with either myself or our caregiver. In 2012, I became involved as a volunteer at the Centre, to give back to the organization that had become instrumental in my children’s educational and social development. It is through this opportunity that I have seen the organization’s true value and behind the scenes workings.”
“I attend with my grandson 3 days a week and as a grandparent who has retired from teaching, I appreciate the social interaction which is provided to parents and caregivers. My daughter-in-law, who had spoken to neighbours, highly recommended the programs offered.”
“From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank you for helping our community raise our children towards a brighter and more educated future!”
“I think in Caledon, specifically, there are so many moms whose husbands work long hours and who don’t have family nearby for support. There are also many who are new to Canada and are learning to speak English. I’ve lived in Japan and Peru. I know how isolated one feels. It’s good to have a place to connect with other moms.”