BrightStart Caledon’s program and drop-in offerings (At-A-Glance) for September.
August 30, 2024
Let’s make life simple!
Here is our SEPTEMBER “AT A GLANCE” calendar.
Refer to it anytime for a quick look at what is happening at each of our locations. You will see that we’ve separated each of our 3 main sites onto a separate page, for ease of use.
For a more complete look at our program descriptions, click here.
(Programs listed may be subject to change without notice.)
Note: EarlyON Resource Consultant (ERC) from EveryMind make regular visit to our sites, which do not appear on our calendars. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s behaviour or development, please contact us (phone 905-857-0090 or and we will be happy to connect you with an ERC.
Some Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Has anything changed with programs since your name change to BrightStart Caledon Family Centre?
Not at all, we may have a new name and logo but we are the same great organization supporting Caledon’s children and families!
2. Are your programs and drop in still free?
Yes, they are.
3. Do I have to register in advance?
For pre-registered programs, we do ask that you register in advance on our website, as there may be group size restrictions in place. Drop In does not require pre-registration, though we do collect some info as you enter, if it is your first visit.
4. How can I stay up to date about additions and changes?
We’ll update these calendars regularly to keep you in the know. If you are looking for info on Village sites (Cheltenham – Monday morning; Alton – Wednesday morning) or virtual programs, please visit and click on the calendar link.
4. What happens in the case of inclement weather?
When Caledon/Peel SCHOOLS are CLOSED due to severe weather conditions, all CPCC sites are closed.
When Caledon/Peel school BUSES are CANCELLED, all village sites are closed but the 3 permanent sites will remain open. We message all weather related closures or program cancellations on social media, and send out eblasts. You can join our emailing list by filling out the quick form on our home page.
To receive regular updates about new programs, closures, events in the community and more, join our mailing list for our regular e-blast newsletter (details on our home page: